Monday, November 11, 2013

Getting back in shape.

That's right. Starting today I'm planning on getting back in shape.
I know it might be difficult to start now since Thanksgiving is right around the corner.
I know theirs going to be A LOT of food to try and avoid lol. I'm ok with that.

I decided I'd start now since it's Monday which means it's a new week. So, why not?
If I put it off now I might wait till next year to make it a "New Years resolution"
Which I rather not because, to be honest, it's always my "New Years resolution" lol.

Not to mention the longer I wait the more weight I put on.
I'm definitely starting today!. Wish me luck lol.

I decided to take a "Before" picture. However I won't be posting it here lol.
At least not yet, maybe if I reach my results or once I start making progress that might change.
That way I can post a "Before" and "after".
So, what's my goal?
I want to lose around 10-20lbs.
It's not that much. I know it's definitely possible.
I used to be overweight when I was in middle school.
I've always been afraid to go back to that weight.
I've definitely picked up some really bad eating habits that have got to stop now.
Especially if I want to avoid going back to being overweight.

I know I can do this. Anyone can do it if they really set their minds to it.
And of course, put in the work.
I know it might not be easy and it will take some sacrifice, but it's possible.

So, time to get my head in the game.
The best part will be the end results when I notice the weight loss and clothes fitting differently.
I'm excited for that part, and for the part where people notice you've lost weight.

Alright well,
here we go.. Day 1!.

Wish me luck! :)


  1. Hey connie is there a way to follow your blog?
    xoxo yaya

    1. It should say "Join this site" on the top corner now :)
